Teh Ceiling Cat of us, whu haz cheezeburger, yu be spechul
Yu ordered cheezburgerz,
Wut yu want, yu gets, srsly.
In ceiling and on teh flor.
Giv us dis day our dalee cheezburger.
And furgiv us for makin yu a cookie, but eateding it.
And we furgiv kittehs who be steelin our bukkits.
An do not let us leed into teh showa, but deliver us from teh wawter.
Ceiling Cat pwns all. He pwns teh ceiling and teh floor and walls too.
Forevur and evuhr. Amen
Yu ordered cheezburgerz,
Wut yu want, yu gets, srsly.
In ceiling and on teh flor.
Giv us dis day our dalee cheezburger.
And furgiv us for makin yu a cookie, but eateding it.
And we furgiv kittehs who be steelin our bukkits.
An do not let us leed into teh showa, but deliver us from teh wawter.
Ceiling Cat pwns all. He pwns teh ceiling and teh floor and walls too.
Forevur and evuhr. Amen
4 commentaires:
Pour ceux qui n'auraient rien compris, le cours de rattrappage est là : http://www.lolcatbible.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
Je vous conseille particulièrement la relecture de l'Exode, les aventures de Moïse revues et corrigées au filtre des pires mèmes d'Internet, c'est grandiose! :D
Chat va faire un carton!
Et téléchat dans tout chat?
'Tain ch'parle comme un ch'ti...
Lol !
BDR ! voire mm PTDR
Ouais et puis je me disais que Darius avait l'air en manque de spiritualité aussi
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